Welcome to Perennial Acres Holmestead

At Perennial Acres Holmestead we are striving to live a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.  Through our site we are sharing what we do and what we have learned.  We hope that this is a place where others can learn and grow with us.

Who We Are:

No typo in the name, we are the Holmes family. We moved to Northeast Tennessee in 2020 with a vision of creating a self-sufficient lifestyle. James is a veteran and now works in cybersecurity. His ability to work remotely has allowed us to move to Tennessee to turn our self-sufficient dream into a reality. Audra is a teacher. Although no longer in a traditional classroom, she thrives on being a learner and teacher whenever possible. Our family is made complete with two young daughters. While they are a part of all that we do, it is our intention to keep their images separate. With their middle names derived from flowers, they are part of the “Perennial” in Perennial Acres Holmestead. Now that you’ve had a proper introduction, we invite you to follow us on our journey. Come live, learn, build and grow with us. Welcome to the Holmestead!


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