Goats 101
Are you looking to learn about all things goats? We found this incredibly informative small ruminants series presented by the University of Maryland Extension. The series started with separate classes with the basics for sheep and goats. Then, the topics covered were:
- Raising them
- Keeping them healthy
- Feeding them
- Marketing them
The videos are on the University of Maryland Extension YouTube Channel at https://go.umd.edu/MDSmallRuminantYouTube. I highly recommend you watch these!
We took extensive notes on the information that pertained to meat goats. Below are our notes for your reference. We will definitely be referencing them also as we strive to improve our goat care and knowledge. After taking the series, we are feeling much more prepared for adding goats to our farmstead!
Below are additional resources that were given out through the course on Body Condition Scores. While these documents are specific to sheep, there is a lot of overlap between for all small ruminants.